Tik Tok is the best social media to convey messages to the people and also delivering good information. Some people are using this social for their entertainment purpose, but some people are using this social media in the right way like earning money, giving social messages to the people, helping the ill and aged people. You can also create a live streaming video with any knowledge person, talented, or motivational speaker, or anybody else. For creating the live streaming video on Tik Tok you should have a thousand followers. If you have less than a thousand followers means you are not able to make a live streaming video. If you are a person with a thousand followers then you can create live streaming with anybody. And also, there some restriction is made in age, you should cross-age of sixteen or you need to be at least sixteen years old. Once you are creating your live streaming video most of the business people are view your live program, they are providing you a gift if you are over the age of eighteen. They also providing a virtual gift to you, you can easily convert this digital currency as real cash.
Steps to go live on Tik Tok

There are some few steps are needed to go live on Tik Tok, just open your Tik Tok application, otherwise just open using the web browsers. Once you open the tik tok hile application enter your user name and password and click the login button. If it is already logged in with a specified account there is no need to log in. Then at the bottom of the screen, the plus sign will be available click on that. Make sure you are pressing the right button or not, because there are few more buttons are available nearby the plus sign. Once you click the plus sign you can see the live option if you are having more than a thousand people. This will be located near to the record option. After that enter your live steam title and then select the button called go live to start. If you want to add a people with your live section, click add people option select the specified account, and click ok. Once you click the ok button that specified person will be added to your screen.
How to get more followers on Tik Tok?

Getting more followers in the Tik Tok is a crucial part when you are interested to start a live streaming program. As we already know the needs of the live streaming program, that could need a thousand followers to make it live. For getting more followers to create innovative and interesting videos and post it as public. The second thing is making your account as public, then only everybody can watch your videos and follow you to get more videos. Start working on your Tik Tok account and get more pay with more gifts and exciting opportunities.