Category: Health Care

The Essentials: 5 Ingredients to Seek in Premium Weight Loss Capsules

In the quest for effective weight management, the supplement market offers a plethora of options, but not all are created equal. When seeking high-quality weight loss capsules, discerning consumers prioritize ingredients backed by scientific evidence. Here are five key components to look for when selecting premium weight loss supplements.

1. Green Tea Extract

Green tea extract is renowned for its myriad health benefits, including weight loss support. Rich in antioxidants called catechins, particularly epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG), green tea extract enhances metabolism and promotes fat oxidation. Studies have demonstrated its ability to increase calorie expenditure, making it a valuable addition to weight loss formulations. Seek supplements standardized for EGCG content to ensure potency and efficacy.

2. Garcinia Cambogia

Derived from the fruit of the Garcinia gummi-gutta tree, Garcinia cambogia is a popular ingredient in weight loss supplements. Its active compound, hydroxycitric acid (HCA), is believed to inhibit an enzyme involved in fat storage and appetite regulation. Research suggests that Garcinia cambogia may help reduce body weight and fat mass, making it a valuable inclusion in weight management formulations. Look for supplements containing standardized levels of HCA for optimal results.

3. Caffeine

Caffeine, a natural stimulant found in coffee, tea, and certain plants, is a well-known metabolism booster and appetite suppressant. It stimulates the central nervous system, increasing energy expenditure and promoting fat breakdown. Additionally, caffeine enhances physical performance and mental focus, making it an invaluable component of weight loss capsules. However, individuals sensitive to caffeine should exercise caution and opt for supplements with moderate caffeine content, hier klicken.

4. Forskolin

Forskolin, extracted from the roots of the Coleus forskohlii plant, has gained attention for its potential weight loss benefits. It stimulates the production of cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP), a molecule that facilitates the breakdown of fat cells. Forskolin also promotes the release of stored fat from adipose tissue, aiding in weight loss and body composition improvement. When choosing weight loss supplements, prioritize those containing standardized forskolin extracts to ensure potency and efficacy.

5. Conjugated Linoleic Acid (CLA)

Conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) is a group of fatty acids found naturally in meat and dairy products. Studies suggest that CLA supplementation may promote fat loss and lean body mass preservation, making it a valuable adjunct to weight management efforts. CLA exerts its effects by influencing enzymes involved in fat metabolism and inhibiting the accumulation of fat cells. Look for supplements containing high-quality CLA derived from safflower oil or other natural sources.


When seeking high-quality weight loss capsules, prioritizing evidence-based ingredients is essential for achieving meaningful results. Green tea extract, Garcinia cambogia, caffeine, forskolin, and conjugated linoleic acid are among the key components to look for in premium formulations. These ingredients have been extensively studied for their efficacy in supporting weight loss and can enhance the effectiveness of your weight management regimen. Remember to consult with a healthcare professional before starting any new supplement regimen, especially if you have underlying health conditions or are taking medications. With careful consideration and informed choices, you can harness the power of science-backed ingredients to achieve your weight loss goals effectively and safely.

How AstraGin Enhances Nutrient Uptake in the Body

In the pursuit of optimal health and performance, maximizing nutrient absorption is paramount. AstraGin, a proprietary blend of highly purified saponins isolated from Panax notoginseng and Astragalus membranaceus, has gained attention for its potential to enhance nutrient uptake in the body. This article explores the mechanisms through which AstraGin improves nutrient absorption, providing insights into its role in promoting overall well-being.

Understanding Nutrient Absorption

Nutrient absorption refers to the process by which nutrients from ingested food or supplements are taken up by the body and utilized for various physiological functions. Efficient absorption ensures that essential vitamins, minerals, amino acids, and other nutrients are adequately delivered to cells and tissues to support growth, repair, and overall health.

Enhanced Intestinal Absorption

AstraGin has been shown to enhance intestinal absorption by promoting the expression of nutrient transporters in the intestinal lining. These transporters, such as glucose transporters (GLUT) and amino acid transporters (AAT), play a crucial role in facilitating the uptake of nutrients from the gut into the bloodstream. Studies have demonstrated that AstraGin upregulates the expression of these transporters, thereby improving the absorption of nutrients like glucose, amino acids, and vitamins.

Increased Expression of Tight Junction Proteins

Tight junctions are specialized protein structures that form a barrier between epithelial cells in the intestinal lining, regulating the passage of molecules and ions. Disruption of tight junction integrity can lead to increased intestinal permeability, commonly referred to as “leaky gut,” which impairs nutrient absorption and may contribute to various health issues.

AstraGin has been found to enhance the expression of tight junction proteins, such as occludin and claudins, thereby improving intestinal barrier function. By maintaining the integrity of tight junctions, AstraGin helps prevent the leakage of nutrients and other molecules across the intestinal epithelium, ensuring efficient nutrient absorption.

Promotion of Microcirculation

Microcirculation refers to the small blood vessels, including capillaries, arterioles, and venules, that deliver oxygen and nutrients to tissues and remove metabolic waste products. Optimal microcirculation is essential for nutrient delivery to various organs and tissues throughout the body.

Research suggests that AstraGin can promote microcirculation by increasing blood flow to the gastrointestinal tract and other tissues. By enhancing blood perfusion, AstraGin facilitates the transport of nutrients to target cells, thereby improving nutrient uptake and utilization.

Modulation of ATP Production

Adenosine triphosphate (ATP) is the primary energy currency of the cell, playing a critical role in numerous cellular processes, including nutrient absorption. AstraGin has been shown to enhance ATP production in intestinal epithelial cells, which may contribute to improved nutrient absorption efficiency.

By increasing ATP levels, AstraGin enhances the activity of ATP-dependent nutrient transporters, facilitating the uptake of essential nutrients across the intestinal epithelium. This mechanism ensures that sufficient energy is available to drive the transport of nutrients into the bloodstream, supporting overall nutrient absorption and utilization.


AstraGin offers a multifaceted approach to enhancing nutrient uptake in the body. By promoting intestinal absorption, maintaining tight junction integrity, improving microcirculation, and modulating ATP production, AstraGin supports efficient nutrient delivery to cells and tissues, thereby contributing to overall health and well-being. Incorporating AstraGin into a balanced diet or supplementation regimen may help optimize nutrient absorption and maximize the benefits of essential nutrients for optimal health and performance.

How to Incorporate Weight Loss Capsules into Your Routine

Incorporating weight loss capsules into your routine can be a beneficial addition to your weight loss journey, but it’s essential to do so responsibly and with awareness of your overall health and wellness goals.

Guide On How To Incorporate Weight Loss Capsules:

Consult with a Healthcare Professional

Before starting any new supplement regimen, it’s crucial to consult with a healthcare professional, such as a doctor or a registered dietitian. They can provide personalized advice based on your individual health status, medical history, and weight loss goals. They can also help you determine if weight loss capsules are appropriate for you and recommend specific products or ingredients to look for or avoid.

Research and Choose Quality Products

Not all weight loss capsules are created equal. Look for products from reputable brands that have been tested for safety and efficacy. Check the ingredients list and avoid capsules containing potentially harmful or unproven substances. Ingredients like green tea extract, caffeine, and conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) are commonly found in weight loss supplements and have some evidence supporting their effectiveness. If you can buy B-Extra Capsules online.

Follow Recommended Dosage Instructions

Once you’ve selected a weight loss capsule, carefully read and follow the recommended dosage instructions provided on the packaging or by your healthcare professional. Taking more than the recommended dose will not necessarily lead to faster weight loss and may increase the risk of adverse effects.

Incorporate Capsules into Your Daily Routine

Choose a consistent time of day to take your weight loss capsules and incorporate them into your daily routine. Some people prefer taking them in the morning to boost energy levels and metabolism throughout the day, while others find it more convenient to take them with a meal. Find what works best for you and stick to it.

Stay Hydrated

Drink plenty of water throughout the day, especially when taking weight loss capsules. Staying hydrated can help support healthy digestion and optimize the effectiveness of the supplements. Aim to drink at least eight glasses of water per day, or more if you’re physically active or in a hot climate.

Combine with a Healthy Diet

Weight loss capsules are not a magic solution on their own and should be combined with a balanced diet rich in whole foods. Focus on eating plenty of fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and whole grains while minimizing processed foods, sugary beverages, and high-calorie snacks. Consider tracking your food intake using a journal or a mobile app to stay accountable and monitor your progress.

Incorporate Regular Exercise

Along with a healthy diet, regular physical activity is essential for achieving and maintaining weight loss. Aim for at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise or 75 minutes of vigorous-intensity exercise per week, along with strength training exercises at least two days per week. Talk to a fitness professional or personal trainer to develop a workout plan that fits your goals and fitness level.

Monitor Your Progress

Keep track of your weight loss journey by regularly weighing yourself and taking measurements of your body composition. Pay attention to how you feel physically and mentally, as well as any changes in your energy levels, appetite, and cravings. Adjust your routine as needed based on your progress and feedback from your healthcare team.

Be Patient and Persistent: Weight loss takes time and effort, so be patient with yourself and stay committed to your goals. Remember that sustainable weight loss is about making lifestyle changes that you can maintain in the long term, rather than seeking quick fixes or drastic measures. Celebrate your successes along the way, no matter how small, and don’t be discouraged by setbacks.

In conclusion, incorporating weight loss capsules into your routine can be a helpful tool for supporting your weight loss goals, but it’s essential to do so responsibly and in conjunction with a healthy diet, regular exercise, and guidance from a healthcare professional. By following these tips, you can optimize the effectiveness of weight loss capsules and achieve long-lasting results.

The patented ingredient boosts strength, mental focus and helps you break through plateaus in your training. It’s the leading choice in many pre-workouts and ergogenic supplements, and it’s clinically proven to extend endurance and improve performance.

Look for CarnoSyn in a pre-workout that carries the Informed Sport certification, meaning it’s guaranteed to be free from banned substances. Then, follow these tips to get the most out of it:

1. Take it before your workout

Taking Carnosyn before your workout will help improve your ability to perform at the highest levels of intensity. This is because it helps to increase your body’s carnosine level, allowing you to reduce the build-up of lactic acid which causes muscle fatigue. This means that when you hit those last few reps of deadlifts or bent rows, you’ll be able to go that little bit further.

Carnosine is a non-essential amino acid, produced in the body and also found in foods such as certain meats and fish. It combines with the amino acid histidine to form the dipeptide carnosine, which helps combat fatigue by buffering hydrogen ions that accumulate when lactic acid builds up during intense exercise.

Carnosine is clinically studied and globally patented. It is also used by athletes, including Team USA judo athletes and the Carolina Panthers tight end, to maximize their physical performance. Find it in Black Powder, stacked with Creatine MagnaPower and BCAAs/EAAs to create the best pre-workout for strength, power, and endurance.

2. Take it on non-training days

Carnosyn is a non-essential beta-amino acid that helps your body buffer hydrogen ions that form when lactic acid builds up during high-intensity training. This allows you to delay fatigue and keep working out longer for greater strength and endurance.

In over 55 clinical studies, athletes who consumed 3.2-6.4 grams of Carnosyn per day for 28 days saw improved performance in the gym. This was in the form of increased time to exhaustion, as well as greater bench press and squat strength.

Stacking Carnosyn with creatine and BCAAs/EAAs is a powerful combo for increasing strength, power, and endurance. To ensure you’re taking a safe and effective dose of Carnosyn, look for it in a product that is endorsed by a carnoSyn-verified brand partner. This shows the brand is using patented and pure Carnosyn, which has been proven in scientific studies to improve performance. It’s also guaranteed to be banned substance-free.

3. Take it with a meal

Taking Carnosyn with a carb-rich meal is the best way to maximize its effects. In addition to improving performance, this combination also helps you reach the therapeutic 4.2g per day recommended dose more easily and effectively.

This is especially important for athletes who are vegetarians as a diet low in histidine will prevent optimal carnosine levels. Supplementing with histidine and a high-quality beta-alanine product will ensure you get the benefits of Carnosyn without missing out on the gains made by those who consume meat.

Many leading sports nutrition brands include Carnosyn in their products. However, it’s important to be cautious of the serving size as not all products contain a clinical dose. Look for a product that features the CarnoSyn logo and has been independently analyzed by NSF. NSF certified products are guaranteed to be safe, effective and free of banned substances. Look for patented SR CarnoSyn in these products to ensure you’re getting the clinically studied ingredient that helps you get more out of every workout.

4. Take it with a drink

CarnoSyn has patented, verified dosing and is the only beta-alanine with New Dietary Ingredient (NDI) status from the FDA and Generally Recognized as Safe (GRAS) self-affirmation. It also contains ZERO banned substances.

Carnosyn boosts endurance by increasing your ability to sustain anaerobic exercise like deadlifts or bent rows. This means you can knock out more reps or more sets before you start to fatigue.

SR CarnoSyn is available in instant and sustained release formulations, offering two ways to dose. Athletes prefer the instant-release formula for a pre-workout booster or to experience the tingling sensation, while others choose SR CarnoSyn for its longer-lasting performance.


Scivation XTEND is one of the most popular products on the market and it includes many great ingredients, including beta-alanine. Unfortunately, they only chose to include 1.6 grams which is not even close to a clinical dose.

Carnosine is a molecule that buffers hydrogen ions produced during exercise. This helps muscles fight fatigue and keep their strength.

Carnosyn is one of the most studied sports nutrition ingredients – in the lab and on the field.* Studies show that consuming 3.2-6.4g of patented CarnoSyn beta-alanine per day improves peak performance in all types of athletic and training.

Increases Muscle Strength

Carnosyn is a key ingredient for many NFL players, Olympians, and top trainers. It’s a leading sports nutrition supplement backed by 55 published, peer-reviewed clinical studies.

Amino acids are the building blocks of protein and muscle tissue. They are naturally produced in the liver and can also be ingested through protein-rich foods like meat. Whether you’re taking the new sustained-release (SR) CarnoSyn or the classic powder form, science proves that a daily dose of 3.2-6.4 grams improves athletic performance.

Carnosyn works by increasing the amount of a compound called carnosine in your muscles. This reduces the buildup of lactic acid and delays muscle fatigue during high-intensity training, allowing you to train harder and longer. This is why Carnosyn is the best pre-workout for athletes looking to build more muscle, faster. It should be taken about 30-60 minutes before a workout. Carnosyn is most effective when used in combination with creatine, nitric oxide boosters, BCAAs/EAAs, and a carbohydrate source.

Increases Endurance

Carnosyn increases the amount of time your muscles can remain under the pump, allowing you to crush that last set of reps. It also helps you run faster, jump higher, row harder and lift heavier.

Physicochemical buffers like carnosine protect muscle fibres against local pH decline, a cause of fatigue and failure. Carnosyn increases the body’s natural ability to create these buffers, allowing athletes to train at high intensity for longer.

SR CarnoSyn is the only carnosine ingredient to achieve New Dietary Ingredient status and the Generally Recognized as Safe self-affirmation from the FDA, making it the most scientifically validated beta-alanine on the market. This means if you see the official CarnoSyn logo on the packaging of your favorite supplement, it’s guaranteed to be the real thing. More than 55 clinical studies back up its performance benefits. It’s also the only form of beta-alanine licensed under NAI’s global patent estate for use in dietary supplements, so it can’t be copied by generic imposters.

Increases Mental Focus

Carnosyn has been shown to help athletes of all types delay the onset of fatigue. This enables them to go harder and longer during their training sessions and workouts, resulting in better gains and a greater competitive edge.

Athletes who use Carnosyn are able to increase their total work capacity by as much as 14.5% in a 28-day study. This is a direct result of increasing muscle carnosine levels, and is also reported by professional rowers, HIIT athletes and more.

During a ten-week clinical trial, SR CarnoSyn improved executive functioning and mental clarity in healthy elderly adults. This may be due to its effects on glutaminergic synapses in the brain.

A turnkey private-label program provides opportunities to incorporate both instant and sustained release Carnosyn beta-alanine into a wide range of powder formulations, including pre-workout supplements, protein powders, carbohydrate drinks, gummies, chewable tablets and more. NDI and self-affirmed GRAS status offer brands the opportunity to differentiate themselves with a premium ingredient that is safe for human consumption.

Reduces Fatigue

Carnosine reduces muscle fatigue by buffering hydrogen ions produced from the breakdown of lactic acid during intense exercise. This allows muscles to keep exercising, improves strength and power, and reduces tingling or pain during exercise.

This ingredient has been clinically proven to promote cognitive function, mental acuity, focus, memory, learning, recall and supports a healthy response to everyday stress. Its strong anti-glycation properties help protect the brain. It also helps to improve hydration, which has been shown to reduce bloating and stomach issues.


SR CarnoSyn offers the fastest and most effective way to increase muscle carnosine levels, resulting in better workouts, improved endurance, delayed fatigue, reduced tingling and itching and enhanced recovery. It has 19 global patents and numerous studies that show its effectiveness compared to generic beta-alanine. Its high heat stability, solubility and long shelf life makes it ideal for a variety of formulations in pre-workouts. Its New Dietary Ingredient (NDI) and self-affirmed GRAS status make it easy to add to products with the confidence that comes from a patented, science-backed ingredient.


Carnosyn is a non-essential amino acid that can increase performance by buffering hydrogen ions during intense workouts. It’s also a powerful antioxidant and helps to reduce advanced glycation end products (AGEs) that cause muscle aging.

SR CarnoSyn is a patented form of beta-alanine that has earned New Dietary Ingredient status from the FDA and has over 55 published, peer-reviewed clinical studies. It’s one of the most rigorously studied supplements available.


Carnosyn is a beta-alanine ingredient that helps your muscles recover from intense exercise. It increases muscle capacity and allows your muscles to buffer hydrogen ions. This decreases the lactic acid build-up that causes muscle fatigue and enables you to train harder, longer. But that doesn’t mean you’ll be able to increase your bench press by 20 pounds, just that you can sustain a higher training volume.

The patented beta-alanine in Carnosyn binds to the amino acid histidine to form the dipeptide carbohydrate known as carnosine, which supports muscle function and is found naturally in muscle tissue. It also promotes brain, heart, and bone health by inhibiting lipid oxidation and stimulating protein growth.*

When selecting a beta-alanine supplement, look for one that is globally patented and scientifically proven to safely and effectively increase carnosine levels and help you gain more muscle, extend your endurance, and improve your recovery. It should be a supplement that is manufactured under stringent quality control and contains ZERO banned substances.


Carnosine is a dipeptide (two amino acid protein) that is found in muscle fibers primarily involved in high-intensity strength training. It prevents lactic acid build-up and improves endurance so you can train harder and longer.

When ingested, beta-alanine binds to the amino acid histidine to form carnosine. This is why you can get it in your diet through a variety of meats and poultry products as well as supplements.

Carnosine has been shown to support a healthy immune system, reduce glycation, and promote cognitive function. It is also a powerful antioxidant that provides pH buffering and anti-aging benefits. It has been shown to support healthy blood pressure levels, assist with vasodilation, regulate muscle contraction, and offer overall systemic protection.


Glutamine is the body’s most abundant amino acid and is found in protein-rich foods like meats, fish, dairy products and eggs. It’s also an important part of the body’s immune system and helps to maintain healthy blood sugar levels.

Amino acids are the building blocks of proteins and muscle. They are often compared to the alphabet letters that make up the language of muscles and allow them to speak their unique language of power and performance.

SR CarnoSyn is a clinically studied, patented beta-alanine ingredient and NDI (New Dietary Ingredient) approved for use in the United States. It provides athletes and active individuals with more strength, endurance, mental focus, faster recovery and enhanced performance. CarnoSyn can be used alone or stacked with other pre-workout, post-workout and creatine supplements. It is banned substance-free and made with patented ingredients for safety and efficacy. It contains no fillers, no ephedrine and no stimulants. It’s also made in a FDA-inspected, cGMP facility.


Histidine is an essential amino acid, meaning that the body cannot manufacture it on its own. It is found in skeletal muscles and is also consumed as part of protein-rich foods like meat and dairy.

Histidine works with beta-alanine to produce carnosine, which acts as a buffer against lactic acid in the muscles, slowing the drop in pH and delaying muscle fatigue and failure. It’s important for both athletes and everyday people who want to improve their strength and performance, and it is also used as a mood enhancer and immune support.


At October’s SupplySide West trade show, NAI made a splash rolling out a new instant-release form of their patented beta-alanine ingredient called SR CarnoSyn. This version allows the body to absorb carnosine without first having to break it down into histidine and beta-alanine, LeDoux said. This makes it a more cost-effective ingredient, which is good news for consumers. SR CarnoSyn has been clinically studied and proven to be safe, effective and consumer-friendly.

How Can You Get Sleeping Pills to Help You Sleep?

Many people suffer from insomnia, a condition that prevents them from getting enough sleep. However, there are a number of ways that you can get sleeping pills to help you sleep.

Prescription sleeping pills are available from a physician and are available in a variety of forms, concentrations and brands. Whether you’re taking prescription or over-the-counter pills, be sure to follow your doctor’s instructions and not take more than the prescribed amount.

Prescription Only

Prescription Only

Insomnia is a common problem, and it can have a negative impact on your quality of life. Good sleep habits are the best solution, but if your insomnia is severe or disruptive, medication may be necessary. A health care provider can help you decide which prescription medications are right for you. Be sure to get a complete medical evaluation to identify the cause of your sleep problems, as well as any other health conditions that may affect your ability to take a medication safely. The correct medicine for your needs will not only improve your sleep, but also minimize side effects and increase the chances that you won’t need to use it in the future. Taking the wrong medicines could put you at risk for addiction and other serious medical complications.


Over-the-counter (OTC) drugs are medicines that can be purchased without a prescription from a doctor. These drugs are available in a variety of locations, including pharmacies, supermarkets, discount stores, airports and gas stations. Many over-the-counter medications are commonly used for a variety of common ailments, such as headaches, colds, digestive issues and pain.

Standard over-the-counter sleep aids rely on antihistamines to promote drowsiness and help you fall asleep. Some OTC sleep aids combine antihistamines with acetaminophen, an anti-inflammatory pain reliever. Some of these sleep aids, such as NyQuil and Sominex (the blue capsule form), contain 25 milligrams (mg) of the antihistamine diphenhydramine per pill. While they can be effective, long-term use of these OTC sleeping pills may cause a drowsy and groggy feeling the next day. This drowsiness is not good for your health and can cause memory problems. Other common side effects of over-the-counter sleep aids include dry mouth and constipation. These side effects are not as serious as those of prescription medications, but they can be unpleasant to deal with.You can buy modafinil 200mg.


When it comes to getting a good night’s sleep, there are plenty of products to choose from. However, not everyone is willing to shell out the big bucks for a prescription sleep aid. Luckily, there are many more affordable options available at your local drugstore or supermarket.

The best part is that you can take them anytime, anywhere. So, while you are out and about or at home, you can enjoy some much needed shut eye.

When it comes to picking out the best sleep aid for you, a little research goes a long way. A little research also means taking a closer look at your medical history, including any medications you’re currently taking or have taken in the past, and checking with your pharmacist to see if the medication you’re considering is safe for you. You should also be sure to pick out the most cost-effective option. Finally, be sure to follow the manufacturers’ instructions for dosage and usage time — this is a crucial step in ensuring you get the best night’s sleep possible.

Side Effects

While sleeping pills can help you get a good night’s sleep, they also come with side effects. You should follow your doctor’s instructions carefully, including not taking more than the recommended dosage and allowing enough time to sleep the night after you take them.

Some of the most common side effects include drowsiness, dizziness and difficulty staying awake. If you experience any of these, it is important to seek medical attention immediately.

If you are pregnant, have low blood pressure, kidney or liver problems, glaucoma or depression, these medications can be dangerous for you.


To reduce the risk of side effects, only use the medications as directed by your doctor and don’t take them with alcohol. Alcohol increases the sedative effects of sleeping pills, leading to a serious overdose that can cause breathing difficulties or death.

The Benefits of Protein With ProHydrolase

Having the right protein supplement can be an important part of a fitness and weight loss program. There are many benefits to consuming protein, including an increase in muscle mass and reduction of muscle soreness.

Pre-digesting whey protein

Pre-digesting whey protein

Using ProHydrolase, a specific protease blend, has been found to promote increased digestion and amino acid circulation. It’s also a safe, non-toxic supplement that’s likely to help you meet your goals. It’s available in several health stores and online. The ingredients are generally considered safe, but you should always consult with a doctor before taking a supplement.

ProHydrolase is an enzyme that can be added to protein powders. It works by breaking down protein into smaller peptides that are easier for the body to digest. Larger peptides can cause gastrointestinal discomfort, so it’s best to choose a protein that’s pre-digested.

ProHydrolase can be used on its own or in combination with whey or soy proteins. In addition, it appears to be effective with hemp protein.

Researchers conducted a double-blind study with ten trained males. Subjects were required to consume a combination of 26 grams of whey protein and 250 mg of ProHydrolase(r) for nine days. During this time, they performed four sets of eight to ten repetitions of leg extension. They also completed blood samples at various time intervals.

Increased muscle mass

Increasing muscle mass with protein is a process that can be achieved through eating lean meat, nuts and beans. There are several studies that have investigated the effect of protein intake on muscular hypertrophy.

The amount of protein required to increase muscle mass varies depending on age, activity level, health and gender. The current recommended daily allowance (RDA) for adults is 0.8 g per kg of body weight. However, most studies agree that higher protein intakes improve muscle strength and lean body mass.

The quality of protein is also considered to affect the rate of increase in skeletal muscle mass. Recently, reviews have been published on protein quality, including the impact of protein quality on resistance exercise-induced muscle hypertrophy.

A new study examined the effects of a protease enzyme blend on whey protein. Researchers tested the effects of supplementing trained males with either a non-nutritive control or a combination of a whey protein and a protease enzyme. The results showed that the group of subjects who consumed the combination of whey protein and a protease supplement had an increased rate of muscle protein synthesis.

Reduced muscle soreness

Taking protein with ProHydrolase after a workout has been suggested to speed up the body’s recovery process. The supplement is designed to break down protein into its bio-usable form, which is then absorbed into the intestinal tract. The protein is then used to repair muscle tears and support the muscle contractions that occur during exercise.

This supplement is formulated with a unique combination of enzymes. It breaks down proteins more effectively than other enzymes, thereby increasing the amount of protein the body absorbs. It also has been shown to reduce the size of large peptides that cause stomach discomfort.

While taking a protein shake can decrease muscle soreness after exercise, it does not necessarily lead to increased muscle recovery. However, insufficient experimental data exists to confirm that taking protein after exercise will lower markers of muscle damage.

Lowers C-reactive protein levels

Increasing your intake of Protein with ProHydrolase may help lower your C-reactive protein levels. While many people believe that high levels of this protein indicate an infection, it can also be a sign of a chronic inflammatory condition such as rheumatoid arthritis.

C-reactive protein is produced by the liver as a response to inflammation in the body. It’s also associated with a number of diseases, such as coronary artery disease, arthritis, and inflammatory bowel disease. It is a biomarker for inflammation, and is detected by a blood test. Inflammation can cause redness and swelling, as well as pain. It can also contribute to the development of atherosclerosis, a fatty buildup in the artery walls.

ProHydrolase helps break down the large peptides that are found in whey protein. This is important because these large peptides can cause gastrointestinal discomfort, bloating, and cramping. When these large peptides are broken down into smaller peptides, they are easier to absorb and less likely to cause digestive problems.

Safe for use

Despite its notoriety as a fitness product, ProHydrolase is not a bad product, but it is certainly not a good one. There are a number of reasons to take it, including the obvious – increased BCAA levels, improved protein absorption, and increased muscle mass. But, there is also the matter of making sure you are taking the right dose for you.

The best way to determine the exact amount of ProHydrolase is to ask your doctor, or look for a product that has it in the ingredients list. This way, you can make an educated guess as to whether or not it is worth the hype.


A high quality ProHydrolase formulation will also feature an ingredient that is not so well known, but is a worthy addition to the body’s arsenal of proteins. It’s a peptide, and a high concentration of it can produce some stomach upset.

Cognizin - What Are the Benefits of Cognizin

Cognizin is a natural supplement that has been shown to improve memory and cognitive function. It boosts mitochondrial health and protects the brain from free radical damage. It has also been shown to improve attention and focus. Moreover, a daily dose of Cognizin has been found to reduce the feelings of stress and anxiety.

Cognizin is a patented form of citicoline

Citicoline is a nutrient found throughout the body, but is particularly beneficial for the brain. It supports alertness, increases energy, and enhances memory. Studies show that citicoline in its proprietary form, Cognizin, helps to improve mental energy and focus. It also helps maintain the health of neurons and fights off free radicals. It is manufactured in a patented fermentation process.

It is a nootropic

Cognizin is a clinically-proven nootropic that supports cognitive function. It is a bioavailable form of citicoline, a precursor to acetylcholine, which is crucial for cognitive function. It protects the brain against oxidative stress and supports healthy brain cell membranes.

It boosts mitochondrial health

Cognizin is a compound that boosts mitochondrial health in the body. The cells in our body contain around 250 g of ATP, the equivalent of 4.25 watts of energy. This energy is crucial for brain function and is used by 70% of the body. If mitochondrial health is not preserved, it can lead to neurodegeneration.

It protects the brain against free radical damage

Cognizin protects the brain from free radical damage, and its effects are seen in multiple brain diseases. Its mechanism is by supporting mitochondrial function, a pathway involved in oxidative stress.

It improves memory

A recent study found that Cognizin improves memory in healthy individuals. The supplement was found to improve both the overall memory and episodic memory tests. It also increased brain metabolism and improved spatial memory retrieval. While further research is needed, this supplement appears to be safe and helpful in the prevention and treatment of memory loss.

It improves attention

The supplement Cognizin helps improve attention and focus. It has been shown to improve memory, attention, and focus in people who suffer from cognitive fatigue. Moreover, it is safe and comes with few side effects.

It improves focus

Cognizin is an effective cognitive enhancer that supports memory, attention, and focus. Cognizin works by increasing brain metabolism, protecting neural tissue from free radical damage, and improving memory. It has also been shown to improve reaction time and task accuracy. Moreover, Cognizin is safe and has few side effects.

An overview of ProHydrolase

ProHydrolase is a supplement that is added to Whey Isolate in order to speed up amino acid absorption. It also enhances the quality of the whey by reducing fat, lactose, and impurities. The result is a higher quality, more convenient protein supplement that feeds your muscles faster.

Activ Folks

Activ Folks has launched its Ultra-Premium 100% Whey. Its label proudly displays the word “ProHydrolase” although the brand does not disclose how much of the ingredient is in the formula. ProHydrolase is a protein supplement that is often used by bodybuilders. ProHydrolase helps increase protein absorption.

The supplement works by pre-digesting protein into a bio-usable form and increasing its bioavailability. This helps promote muscle mass building and improve recovery time. It also minimizes the occurrence of inflammation in the body.

CytoSport Monster Blend

CytoSport is a premier manufacturer of sports-oriented nutritional products. The company focuses on quality with the athlete in mind, utilizing science and industry experts to provide athletes with innovative products that improve their performance. CytoSport products are known for their innovation and taste, which is important for athletes who want to improve their performance.

CytoSport Monster Blend contains a solid protein blend that’s good for your muscle growth. This powdered shake is designed to be mixed with water, milk, or peanut butter, and can be taken before and after workouts. It also includes ProHydrolase digestive enzymes, which help your body break down protein.

AMP Wheybolic Alpha Whey Protein Powder

ProHydrolase amp wheybolic alpha whey protein powder contains 40g of whey protein and 400mg of ProHydrolase per serving. The manufacturer of the product says the supplement is clinically dosed and does not make any health claims. This protein powder is available at GNC, but it is not recommended for individuals who are nursing or pregnant. You should also keep this product out of the reach of children.

The protein in this product is micro-filtered, resulting in a high protein content and low fat, lactose, cholesterol, and sodium. This protein supplement also contains Leucine and BCAAs. Its ingredients help you build bigger and stronger muscles.

GNC’s own house brand

The health and wellness company GNC has launched a new line of clean supplements. The products are backed by science and are free of banned substances. The company has partnered with Jay Glazer, a TV personality and owner of Unbreakable Performance Center, which trains elite athletes and celebrities. The UNBREAKABLE PERFORMANCE(tm) Fueled by GNC product line aims to provide transparent formulas and a focus on physical performance.

The supplement contains a clinically-recommended dosage of 400mg of ProHydrolase. It is available in a variety of flavors, including Thrilla n’ Vanilla and Supreme Chocolate. It is also available in two convenient powders.