When you are a blogger or budding businessman, learning the art of choosing a web host is a prominent thing. Fishing out an effectual web hosting is often a challenging task. It is mandatory to keep an eye on various things to rely on the best suited hosting service. Novices are prone to make blenders definitely makes you regret. To avoid making the blenders understanding the types of web hosting is obligatory. If you are someone looking after web hosting then explore this article to enlighten yourself about relying on suitable web hosting service.
Types Of Web Hosting:
![Types Of Web Hosting](https://www.artspeakspoet.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/09/Types-Of-Web-Hosting.jpg)
There are six types available in hosting and they are listed below.
- Shared web server hosting
- Virtual private server (VPS) hosting
- Dedicated web server hosting
- Cloud web server hosting
- Managed web server hosting
- Colocation
Shared Web Server Hosting:
Shared web server hosting is one of the most commonly employed web hosting service available. This web server hosting systems renders the choice of sharing same server with multiple accounts. Even the resources are also shared in this type of web server hosting. If you are running a small business which is procuring moderate traffic and have less CPU needs like blogs or e-commerce website, then shared web server hosting is one of the choice to rely on.
Virtual Private Server Hosting:
Virtual technology is employed to make a partition on computer; virtually gives access to multiple servers. The partition refers virtual partition not physical partition. The virtual partition employed in this server hosting increases privacy and security to the shared hosting.
VPS server hosting is ideal for small to medium scale business in online.
Dedicated Hosting:
![Dedicated Hosting](https://www.artspeakspoet.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/09/Dedicated-Hosting.jpg)
When it comes to dedicated server hosting, the owner employs complete server and it is not shared with anyone. Convenience, safety and privacy are high compared to any type of server hosting.
It is one of the costliest server hosting available and it is suitable for those who maintain highly professional website.
Cloud Hosting:
Cloud hosting isn’t achieved from one physical server. But numerous connected servers forms together and make the cloud. Since the hosting isn’t simply depend on single server, it is reliable and dependable option.
New website owners or small scale business magnet in internet can amaze their potential customers with fast loading and make it more professional by relying on it. It works better even in traffic peaks and the chance of technical hitches are minimal while choosing it.
Managed Web Server Hosting:
This suits for websites built from WordPress. It possess numerous alluring features such as updating new versions of WordPress automatically and manage other things such as automated backups, scanning website and identifying security threats etc.
It is ideal for those who dwell with a WordPress hosting.
Colocation Hosting:
![Colocation Hosting](https://www.artspeakspoet.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/09/Colocation-Hosting.jpg)
It is more like a colocation hosting but it is expands its effectiveness by renting server space in a data centre. It increases internet bandwidth, sever cooling systems, reliable power and many more benefits.
I hope this article light up your path of fishing out the effectual hosting service for your needs.